By the year 2050, the human population will grow as high as 10 Billion! (World bank) That’s five times where we were in 1915 at 1.8 Billion. (Infoplease) As a result, the demand for food will almost double by the year 2050. Augmented Reality in agriculture is a new hope for managing the challenge of growing food demand.
Indeed, increasing food demand results in acute distress among farmers. Farmers are living with the hope of good days. The inability to meet growing food demand may have serious repercussions. Starvation, mortality, and political unrest are only some of them. Hence, a transitional change in agriculture becomes a necessity.
So, what to do now? Fortunately, AR is the answer to this question
Implementation of AR in farming will help in improving farm production. The technological wave of AR in agriculture will revolutionize farming. There will be a continuous surge in the human population in future decades. Hence, the importance of Augmented Reality in agriculture also increases.
After revolutionizing various industries, the AR spectrum extends to the agriculture world as well! So, it would be interesting to learn about AR technology in agriculture.
The present methods are inefficient for managing future food demand. Even after undergoing some transformations in the past decades, room for improvement in agriculture is still left.
Augmented Reality in agriculture for Smart farming
Some of the ways in which AR will help our farmers are as follows:
Augmented Reality in agriculture for Field check
Do you think farming is a 2- step process of sowing seeds and harvesting? No, farming is a lot more than this.
Farming, however, incorporates other processes as well. These are measurements and schedules that are based on a scientific farming approach. A manual fertility check by farmers is done on each piece of land. Thus, making farming a complex and time-consuming process.
Augmented Reality in agriculture plays a metamorphic role in the field – check and pest/insect detection process. Moreover, it also determines the soil properties and crops to be sown on a particular piece of land. AR helps in understanding pest and crop conditions just by looking at the application.
Further, maybe you are thinking, that data collected using sensors is not enough for the AR overlay. Yes, you are correct. Therefore, data from nearby devices are also used for displaying the AR overlay.

Augmented Reality in agriculture for Simulated Training
In fact, the use of AR is prominent in manufacturing, healthcare, and Real Estate but its usage in agriculture is yet unexplored. Farming involves the use of complex tools and machinery due to which it becomes a complex process.
AR training will help farmers in giving an interactive and safest form of training. Farm equipment operations are possible using a tablet or a smartphone! So, now farmers can capture and share information on machinery, crops, and livestock in the best possible manner.
Augmented Reality in agriculture for Weather Updates
Further, AR can be used for obtaining weather forecasts as well! Augmented Reality in farming gives farmers correct and real-time weather-related conditions. This useful piece of information may help farmers in making Crop Selection decisions. Farming is one of the areas that have a huge influence on weather conditions.
AR, in that case, acts as a helping hand for farmers for gaining real-time weather insights. Real-time, accurate, and location-specific weather updates help in mitigating the risks associated with farming. The dynamic nature of weather leads to the wastage of hard work, time, and resources of farmers. AR being, in that case, will help farmers in taking some proactive steps.
Augment Reality Smart Glasses
The wearable technology market shows a bright future. AR Smart Glasses are a form of wearable technology that integrates virtual information with information in the field view of the user. The revolutionary AR Smart Glasses will allow farmers to wear computers in the near future. The Smart Glasses are a hands-free system that provides a display in front of the eyes.
The display highlights the discriminating features of the environment. These glasses have a promising market as there is significant growth in the number of its shipments. With only 150,000 AR glasses shipped in 2016, the number of shipments is expected to rise as high as 22.8 Billion by the year 2022.
The overlays obtained from AR that are most useful for farmers include – current soil moisture content, the porosity of the surface, and the water absorption capacity of the soil. The list of benefits of using these Smart Glasses in farming is long.
You can read more in the paper written by Caria (2019).“Exploring Smart Glasses for Augmented Reality: A Valuable and Integrative Tool in Precision Livestock Farming“ The paper beautifully explains the importance of these glasses in livestock farming.
Augmented Reality Farming games
Farming Games! Interesting… No? The AR farming games are one of the great means for farmers to gain logical farming experiences. This magical experience using AR will suffice the desire of farmers of having their dream farm.
AR combined with sophisticated and modern graphics results in the best experience for farmers.
Now you may have a question, how farmers will be benefited by just playing AR farming games? In these games farmers for exploring the opportunities available in the environment. For instance, AR games will let farmers drive farming vehicles of their dream
Farmers need some time to relax and think about their farming dreams. AR farming games will help farmers in the same. For example, farmers can with these games build their craziest form of a farm and have fun. Farmville is one of the many farming games on the market. Consequently, these games will evolve as a revolutionary learning tool in farming.
Without a doubt, AR in agriculture has immense scope.
A lack of knowledge, resources, and infrastructure, however, results in complex AR implementation. Farmers are the pillars of an economy and hence need to be protected. Smart farming tools of Augmented Reality will improve the present situation of our farmers.
Altogether, the Augmented Reality journey in agriculture is long but not impossible!