HTC has introduced two new Virtual Reality headsets named “Vive Pro Eye and Vive Cosmos”. The company has extended its journey into virtual market post the launch of the HTC Vive headset three years ago. The market has welcomed it very well and is being well received by professional and enterprise users. In 2018, it had come up with Vive Pro headset, an advanced version of which is presented now as HTC Vive Pro Eye. The two new headsets will be powered by PCs as well as mobile devices. Let’s see what other promises have been made by the company with its new products.
Earlier, Oculus had introduced Oculus Quest which was expected to be a breakthrough in the world of VR headsets. Let’s see what’s new will be introduced by HTC in order to make its products surpass the market expectations.
Vive Pro Eye: Upgraded version of Vive Pro
With Vive Pro Eye, HTC promises for accelerated VR interaction. It also affirmed the more efficient use of computing resources. It will support Foveated rendering which means it will render the areas of experience at high resolution as compared to the areas that are out of focus which will be available at lower resolutions.
The HTC Vive Pro Eye is expected to be shipped by the second quarter of the year.
Vive Cosmos: VR Headset for consumers
On another hand, the Vive Cosmos will be available with inside-out tracking and it will be a consumer device unlike other.
Along with headsets, the company has also revealed about the next version of Viveport VR subscription service called Viveport Infinity. The new service, that will provide consumers unlimited access to the catalogue will contain 500+ apps and games, was launched on April 5. As per Rikard Steiber, Viveport President, “consider this service as your Netflix in VR”. The service will replace the current Viveport subscription service that offers up to 5 titles per month on $6.70 per month.
HTC has partnered with Mozilla and Amazon for VR web experience development.