Apple has announced the launch of three new iPhone models i.e. iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, and iPhone 11 pro max. These models come with enhanced features, especially the AI-enabled chip called the Bionic chip.
The chip has a neural engine and is able to provide a better Augmented Reality experience along with slicker camera effects and enhanced battery performance. The new Machine Learning capabilities will accelerate the applications of augmented reality, people occlusion, body tracking, and more.
New iPhone 11 series are packed with new generation chip
Smartphones have been taking advantage of AI for a long time but the processing has been done by the CPU/GPU chipset or cloud. But this new-generation AI chip, called the A12 Bionic chip, enables processing to be done onboard the device and thus lowers the response time and computing time.
It is also helpful in reducing power consumption, enhancing battery life, and performance, and more efficient processing.
How Iphone’s new devices will support augmented reality
New devices will let users use the depth of field after the photo has been taken from the camera and provide more realistic & accurate augmented reality experiences to them. The neural engine added to the devices is open and can be used by developers to develop apps around AI and AR.
The neural network lets the device identify the elements in photographs such as objects, people’s faces, scenes, and others. This is an emerging and extensive kind of application.
Apple comes with a more powerful and smart camera
New iPhone cameras are smarter than previous models as they are based on more powerful machine learning algorithms & neural networks. The neural engine has been added to the device’s main chip and thus making it more accurate for the face detection system.
The camera will perform better whether you want to focus on someone’s face or want to blur the background. It also optimizes the camera to take the best pictures in a diversified range of conditions and situations.