Customer Testimonials

With over 500 Projects delivered for our Clients. Read what they had to say about our work

They (Queppelin) think with you and participate in the entire process. We did the pilots with them and the quality of interaction on the platform was very good.
Sanjoy Mukerji
Ex Chief Commercial Officer, Vodafone
I give a lot of credit to Queppelin for the success of our mobile game. The game provided awareness about the problems surrounding tiger conservation in India, while providing entertainment at the same time.
Arvinder Gujral
Team is bright and talented. go-getters and knowledgeable. His contribution to the project made him an asset to the project and team. There was always an open line of communication. I look forward to seeing the final results of the project.
3D Animation Project
Queppelin has mastered the art of WebAR. The animation that was created left me and my website visitors ecstatic! Check the work on Smbtransform. Thank you so much Queppelin for your expertise and artistry in this area. You took my words and made a very real experience out of them.
Troy Reiber, Agency Portal Service
WebAR Master - Ideas/transformation created for WebAR experience
For a job with some complex and specific web optimization needs, Abhinav has rolled with the punches and been a pleasure to work with. We will hire him again in the future!
I am constantly working with Prafulla and his company Queppelin for developing our product. Not only they have a strong knowledge and expertise on it, but also they are customer-oriented so we can get a great result for our customer.
Yoshi Taniguchi
Founder of MiCared Japan
Prafulla is a capable technologist who has helped us bridge the gap with our offshore team. We are continuing to work with him on a complex multi-modal AR/VR/XR application.
Liam Collins, XR3engine
Low Poly Game Levels for Social VR platform
Nick and the company met our deadlines which were extremely critical and difficult, their response time and accountability were fantastic.
Sean Heckman, Owner - The Media Barons (TMB Creative, Inc.)
1980's Comic Book-style 2D into 3D Animation
Great communication and timely execution of our project. Would recommend their services to friends and family.
Amit T.
3D visualization for model of a boat design
Nick and his team are professionals. As requirements have changed they were flexible to adapt to the situation and communicated clearly. We will definitely work together when the opportunity arise.
Peter Saghegyi, AT-PT Kft
Recreate 3D max studio setup as per reference