One Real World Inside Another: Augmented Reality Portal

AR Teleportation

Augmented Reality Portal: Real World Inside another Real World!

Queppelin is on a journey to create amazing Augmented Reality (AR) solutions. We are now building AR Portals which seamlessly transfer you from your existing world to another world.  See a video below where Queppelin takes you from an Australian desert to a large water body:

The video shown above is for a teleport we developed for our client LiveOrbis (Australia). We have made these experiences available on both iPhone and Android smartphones. The magic of this AR Portal is achieved with technology platforms like Vuforia, Unity and some cool graphic designing.

Our skills in augmenting the real world using AR can be used in various scenarios. Real Estate players can take users to their constructions sites from right where the potential purchaser is. Furniture companies can place all their items in various parts of a house and give the user a great experience first hand. Restaurants can show sports by projecting a stadium right inside their premises. The possibilities are endless and only limited by your imagination.

Augmented Reality is already becoming a key emphasis of major technology players like Facebook, Google, Apple and Microsoft. All of them are focusing on enhancing our real world experience. Along with them, there are some cool startups, especially in Silicon Valley and Israel, who are creating cutting edge AR tech. Queppelin is helping some of these cool startups in healthcare, real estate & entertainment AR space.

We are sure the next tech revolution is one with Augmented/Virtual/Mixed Reality in various industries. We are on our way to contribute to that revolution and would love to have you onboard in this journey. If you are a business of any size, you should certainly be thinking of this. If you are an AR enthusiast, there was never a better time.

Contact us today at and find out how Augmented Reality can help your business.


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